Water Distillers USA offers a complete line of water distillers, Y2K water distillers, Y2K dehydrated food, non electric water distillers, non-electric water distillers, solar-powered water distillers, gravity water filters, ceramic water filters.

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Clear Choice

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Available at:   www.WaterDistillers.com

Web Site:  www.waterdistillers.com

Email: frank@waterdistillers.com

How Does the CLEAR CHOICE Fire Distiller work?


  1. Contaminated water is placed in the lower pan.
  2. The water is brought to a boil.
  3. Steam rises through the patented (pending) disks leaving contaminants behind.
  4. The steam contacts the underside of the top pan with cooler water.
  5. High purity water droplets form on the underside of the top pan.
  6. Water collects in the stainless steel collector and drains through the spout.
  7. The distilled drinking water passes through a carbon filter and into a glass or other container.

The Clear Choice Fire-Distiller, is timely in its simplicity and effectiveness, using the distillation process - well known as the most effective single method for water purification. With the Clear Choice Fire-Distiller you simply boil the water of unknown quality, the steam rises through two specially designed stainless steel discs. The steam contacts the underside of a pan of cooler water and turns to extremely high purity water droplets, which are collected, in a drinking glass or other container.

There are no moving parts, it needs NO electricity, and NO replacing of expensive filters and the Fire-Distiller can be set up in less than one minute. Yet this product can remove over 99.99% of the dissolved matter in seawater (making it drinkable) while killing biological contaminants and leaving them behind in the boiled water. And relative to other distillers its fast!

All you need is a source of energy. There are many alternatives:
  1. an open fire
  2. a wood stove
  3. a camp stove
  4. most propane stoves
  5. even a charcoal grill if used in a well ventilated place

The Clear Choice Fire-Distiller is easy to store and lightweight. There’s nothing like it on the market today. 

Possible Emergencies:

  • Hurricane
  • Typhoon
  • Earthquake
  • Floods
  • Volcano
  • Terrorism
  • Loss of services
  • Boating/sailing problems
  • Back country hiking
Possible problems in an Emergency:
  • No water supplies from municipal water systems
  • Drinking water contaminated by cholera, cryptosporidium, viruses, bacteria, parasites, radiation
  • Drinking water contaminated by terrorists
  • No electricity
  • No bottled water available

If you have to survive an earthquake, flood, hurricane, tornado, typhoon, terrorist attack, volcanic eruption, winter storm or simply want safe, pure drinking water on your next camping trip, be sure to contact us where you can purchase the amazing Clear Choice Fire-Distiller.

